This narrative, written by Alexi Zenter is a fine piece of writing. The point of reading and absorbing the techniques within this narrative is so that the can be applied to our own literary journalism pieces. Although the situation, events and characters within the piece are fictional, Zenter uses some interesting, yet simple, techniques to entertain and immerse the reader into the story.

Centering around a man, who is hunting in the forest, we begin to understand within the first two paragraphs his dark past as a murderer. It is unexpected and Zenter has a great ability to move from one idea to the next, creating a shock value. In discussing the piece on class, we found a few techniques Zenter uses which are interesting and could be used successfully within our own literary non-fiction.

  • establish a lot of scene setting sentences and taking the time to set the scene. This helps to draw the reader in, create a mental visual image which brings the reader into the story and into the characters mind.
  • get into the mind of the character by revealing bits and pieces of what they are feeling, thinking of doing. This technique aids in establishing a ‘relationship’ between the character and the reader, by the reader thinking they have private and inside knowledge as to why the character is doing what they are doing, and understanding this.
  • don’t overwrite by using short and punchy sentences. be descriptive, but in a way where the reading forces you to take a breath and pause, which aids in the delivery being more to-the-point and direct.
  • create images by the language you use, attention to detail is important to create a sense of the ‘real’ and involvement.
  • use simple language, this won’t confuse the reader and a more conversational tone is always best in being more personal and involving the reader more.
  • to be entertaining and dramatic, vary the length of your sentences and be imagistic in delivery.
  • create a ‘shock factor’ – swap from one image to the next, which the reader would not have seen coming, this adds a level of drama and propels you into another zone.
  • make choices that are slightly unusual, in the way you describe things, be creative.

I thought that it was an interesting task, to read a narrative and understand how the techniques can be utilised in non-fiction. I think that the dramatic elements and the ‘unusual’ techniques aid in creating a entertaining piece of writing. I think that in creating a work like this, it is all about timing and knowing when to reveal certain things about the character and things about the story that is progressing.

I definitely think that i will be able to utilise these elements in my own writing of my literary journalism piece. Although my characters are not ‘revealing’ anything about themselves, it will have different elements which will make it interesting and i will be able to draw on inspiration from this.